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Project for Individuals who have Experienced Traumatic Brain Injury

Providing Individual Advocacy, Legal Representation, and Systemic Advocacy

DRRI’s Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Project

The Disability Rights Rhode Island (“DRRI”) TBI Project is a federally funded program for people who have had a brain injury, from a blow to the head, a shaking injury, or another type of external cause.
Individuals with brain injury not caused by trauma are not covered by DRRI’s TBI Project. However, they and all other people with a disability may still be eligible for DRRI services, and should contact DRRI for more information or assistance on issues related to their disability.

The mission of the TBI Project is to:

  • Improve access to comprehensive, high quality health care services and educational programs designed to improve the quality of life for persons with TBI.
  • Provide training and publications to TBI survivors, their families, and professionals on legal issues to promote self-advocacy.
  • Provide individual legal representation on various matters.
  • Provide information and referral services.

How Can The DRRI TBI Project Help You?

You can contact us to request free* legal assistance with issues related to your TBI, including:

  • Problems getting Vocational Rehabilitation (from the Office of Rehabilitation Services and Independent Living Services
  • Problems getting Assistive Technology (like medical equipment, wheelchairs, etc.)
  • Work-Related Social Security Administration overpayments and continuing disability reviews
  • Denials of reasonable accommodations for your disability at work
  • Other disability-related employment discrimination against Social Security beneficiaries
  • Denials of reasonable accommodations or other disability-related discrimination in housing
  • Abuse and neglect in public or private day and residential facilities or in school settings (including the criminalization of disability- related behavior)
  • Defense against guardianship
  • Problems getting out of hospitals, nursing homes, or other restrictive environments because of a shortage of community alternatives
  • Problems getting home- and community- based services because the state says you are not eligible
  • Certain Special Education issues, including placement in overly restrictive environments, school-to-adult transition planning and services, and 20 programming cases.
  • Denials of reasonable accommodations from state or local governments, health care providers, public and private schools, colleges, universities, or testing service.
  • Problems voting
  • Problems getting adequate mental health treatment or equal access to services in correctional facilities

    *In some cases, DRRI may charge clients for filing fees and other costs associated with legal representation.

What other Services can The DRRI TBI Project provide?

Trainings — DRRI’s TBI Project provides regular trainings on the legal rights of people with TBI. Training topics include:

  • Legislative Self-Advocacy
  • Employment Rights
  • Rights to RI Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • and many more!

Trainings on disability-related issues are available upon request to persons with TBI, their family members, and/or advocates. If you want to schedule a training, contact the TBI Project Coordinator at DRRI.

Information & Referral — Even if DRRI cannot directly assist you with your problem, we may be able to direct you to organizations or people who can!

Bruce Conklin

Bruce Conklin