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ORS and Post-Secondary Education

Did you know? ORS can help you with education and training.

What is the Office of Rehabilitation Services (ORS)?
ORS operates the state’s Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program. ORS can help you:

  • Learn about your job options.
  • Train for jobs.
  • Find a job.

Can ORS help me get training to reach my employment goals?
Yes. Your employment goal may require you to have post-secondary training, a certification, license, or a college degree. ORS can help you find the right program.

Can ORS help with the cost of my education and training?
Yes. ORS pays for many VR services, including education and training. Your VR services will depend on your needs. Ask your counselor for more information.

What expenses can ORS pay for?

Tuition: ORS can help you pay for training and education. You must try to get grant funds from other sources. Your counselor should help you to understand how to apply for grants. ORS cannot make you take out student loans for your education.

Books and Supplies: ORS can help pay for books and supplies required by training or education. This includes specialized tools and course materials in alternative formats.

Transportation: ORS may pay for you to learn to use public transportation. ORS may also help you with transportation to evaluation and training programs.

Assistive Technology: ORS can help pay for devices that you may need to attend class, participate in your education, or complete your assignments.

Testing and Evaluations: ORS can help if you need testing to document your disability. ORS can pay for evaluations to determine what services or devices would assist you with your disability. If you need a license or permit for certain jobs or small business, ORS may help you to obtain it.

Disability Rights Rhode Island’s Client Assistance Program can help you learn more about ORS services. We can also advocate for you to get ORS services and help you in your relationship with ORS. For more information, contact DRRI at or 401-831-3150.

Bruce Conklin

Bruce Conklin