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Pre-Employment Transition Services

If you are a student with a disability, you should discuss transition services with your IEP Team. The Office of Rehabilitative Services (ORS) can provide you with Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) if you have an IEP or 504 plan.

What is the Office of Rehabilitative Services (ORS)?

ORS operates the state’s Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program. VR helps people with disabilities learn about their employment options, train for employment, and find employment. As a student you can receive Pre-ETS from ORS, without applying for VR services.

What are Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)?
Pre-ETS services focus on five areas:

  1. Job Exploration Counseling. This helps you decide what kind of job you want to have.
  2. Work-based Learning. Your job might be at school or in the community. You might work during the school day or after it.
  3. Counseling on Opportunities for Enrollment in Comprehensive or Post-Secondary Educational Programs. In other words, you can get information about college and other training opportunities after high school. That information will help you decide what training and education you would like.
  4. Workplace Readiness Training. This helps you learn social skills and independent living skills.
  5. Self-Advocacy. This may include peer mentoring or learning from other students.

Who is eligible for Pre-Employment Transition Services?

Students with disabilities who are at least 14 years old but not yet 21  and who receive special education or related services through an IEP or 504 Plan.

How to Apply for Pre-Employment Services

There is no formal application for Pre-ETS. School staff will complete a referral for you. Then an ORS counselor will meet with you to discuss service options.

DRRI’s Client Assistance Program (CAP) can help you apply for transition services. DRRI can also help if you already receive these services.

Bruce Conklin

Bruce Conklin